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Production Guidelines

These guidelines should be used to navigate your way through the different delivery requirements for Red Bull Media House. Naturally all delivery requirements are scalable according to the size and type of production you are producing.
Please in the first instance reach out to your Red Bull contact to discuss your production and what is to be included in your delivery.


The below Requirements are mandatory.

Ready to Air Program Master

  • Master Dirty with Forced Narrative Subtitles
  • Master Dirty without Forced Narrative Subtitles
  • Master Clean

On Air Promotion

All productions are required to supply material to Red Bull Media House for our promotional team.

If you are supplying finished promotional material, please also refer to:

Additional Footage

Archival Selects utilizes useful content from a production and packages it for archival purposes to ensure content is reusable in the future like f.ex. Establishing-, Beauty Shots, Aerial, Slow Motion, POV, etc..

The best footage from the production or useful footage that did not make the final cut and should as well be delivered as Selects to Red Bull Media House.

Social Media Guidelines

  • Corner Bug and Endslate Guidelines
  • Youtube

For Social Media guidance, please refer to:

For technical specifications for Social Media Content, please refer to:

Earned Media Assets

Earned Media Assets refer to all assets which are created specifically for Earned Media digital channels, Social News Publishers and TV distribution.

  • News Cut Brief
  • Still Images

For production specific help and guidance, please refer to:


Red Bull Media House Insurance Guideline & Insurance Certificates for further details on what is covered and Red Bull Media House claim procedures.


For production specific help and guidance, please refer to:


The use of Red Bull Audio Library is mandatory when using music in all Red Bull Media House productions as well as the creation of a music cue sheet via the Audio Library music cue sheet tool.

Production & Wrap Materials

The below Requirements are mandatory.

Advertising Rights and Brand Integration

Advertising Rights are the rights we need to be able to show footage, including Red Bull Packshots and/ or the gives you wings claim advertising the Red Bull Brand and Can across mass media. On top of packshots or a high resolution can Endslate and/or the claim, advertising clips often contain a call to action.

Please find details when to clear advertising rights and how to clear them in this section.

Advertising Rights

Brand Integration

Branding of Competitors

Our goal is to focus on the sport and the associated competition in our LIVE broadcasts by treating athletes of competitors with the given respect in regard to their sportive performance. At the same time, it is about creating a smart way to handle branding of competitors.

Beauty Cam/Shots for Live Events


General Wardrobe & Look Guideline


Production Partners are required to burn in forced narrative subtitle files (FNS) according to the RBMH subtitle guidelines. Forced narratives are only required when an alternate language is used and needs to be localized & translated into the original language of the content.

Credit Guidelines

  • Credit Guidelines incl. Endslates, Youtube Endcards, Logos etc...
  • Credit sheet template:

Delivery Paperwork

  • Music Cue Sheet
  • Shot list / Clearance Sheet
  • Transcript (including translations if required)
  • Credit Sheet

Delivery Paperwork Guidelines & Templates

  • Production Insurance Documentation • Signed Releases
  • Location Agreements
  • 3rd Party Rights Agreements
  • Other legal documents
    (e.g. E&O Certificate, Certificate of Insurance (COI))

For a full list of templates, help and guidelines, please contact your Red Bull Production Manager or Producer.

Green Production

Sustainability has always been a part of Red Bull's DNA: We are mindful of the impact our operations and media productions have on the surrounding environment while always aiming to leave our playgrounds in a better place than when we found them. To strengthen our commitment, we are working on measuring our carbon footprint. Our goal is to carefully gather and assess the required data to fully grasp the environmental impact of our activities. This effort is in line with our overall mission to seamlessly incorporate sustainability into our business practices.

Green Binder:

  • CO2 calculation in the Green Toolkit (access to be provided through Red Bull Production Manager)
  • Green Production Guideline & Report (the template can be found in the Green Production Guidelines)

Waiver App

Our Digital Waiver App which allows us to easily and quickly sign Appearance and ATL Releases on site with an iPad or mobile device. All signed waivers will automatically upload into BullDrive.

Finance Binder

  • Line Item Budget
  • Cash Flows, Cost Tracking and Reporting
  • Withholding Tax Info (ZS-QU form)

For a full list of templates, help and guidelines, please contact your Red Bull Production Manager or Producer.