Red Bull logo Production Partner Portal

Credit Guidelines

Red Bull Media House is a global content producer and distributor delivering highly compelling programming to both broadcasters and online audiences worldwide. Whilst we understand that credits are important to program-makers we also recognize that they are of limited interest to audiences.


The Red Bull Media House credit policy balances the desire to reflect significant creative contributions with the reality that it impacts the audience flow. It is also important that the editorial use of credits across all our content be consistent.

Please note that when using either the logo or phrase 'Red Bull Media House', it must always be spelled out in full when written and never abbreviated to RBMH.


SHORT FORM Duration: less than 5 minutes
MID FORM Duration: 5 - 23 minutes
LONG FORM Duration: 23+ minutes

Short Form

Core Credit Principles for Short Form

Content less than 3 minutes in duration

  • As standard, Red Bull Media House does not allow credits on content shorter than 3 minutes in duration.
  • On content shorter than 3 minutes in duration, only an endslate may be provided (see end slates section).

Content longer than 3 minutes in duration

  • Credits must not impact the content of the program.
  • They must also be clearly separate from the program content, irrespective of the platform it will be put on.
  • Credits should accurately reflect significant creative contributions to the specific program.
  • It is not permissible to credit suppliers who have provided their products or services for a fee that does not add a creative role.
  • Credits should not be given in exchange for payment or reduced fees
  • Archive suppliers may be credited for their contribution but must be assessed on significance of contribution to the program.

Upfront Production Branding

Red Bull Media House branding will always be included upfront.

Social Media and Content less than 3 minutes in duration:

No upfront branding for Social Media and Content less than 3 minutes in duration needed.

Content longer than 3 minutes in duration:

Content longer than 3 minutes in the form of text 'A Red Bull Media House Production’. Production company/production partner branding is not included upfront as standard.

As standard all company logos or slates should only appear at the end of the credits.

Opening Credits

As standard Red bull does not allow opening credits on Short form content.

End Credits

12 seconds credit roll + 3 seconds endslate

In general, only those who have made significant contribution directly to the program should be credited.

Unless advised otherwise for Red Bull Media House, you should only include contributions of:

  • Executive Producers/Producer
  • Production Executive/Production Manager

To keep credits to a minimum Credits should be generic where possible

  • If multiple people have carried out allied production roles use ‘Production Team’ and list then below.
  • If multiple people have carried out work covered by a single credit then the names should be listed below the credit.

At the end of the credits prior to the end slate you can place your (Production Partner's) logo followed by the Red Bull Media House copyright text: A Red Bull Media House Production ©


End Credits are not permitted on YouTube assets! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.


Which endslate to use? All end slates for short form are 3 seconds.

Standard endslate: Final end card with 'Media Bull with Red Bull'


YouTube does not require an endslate! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.

Endslate Download

Mock Up Timeline

Mock Up Timeline

End Credits: including Red Bull Media House Production ©

* example timeline

Mid Form

Core Credit Principles for Mid Form

Once the use of Credits have been pre-agreed, they should abide by the following principles:

  • Credits must not impact the content of the program.
  • They must also be clearly separate from the program content, irrespective of the platform it will be put on.
  • Credits should accurately reflect significant creative contributions to the specific program.
  • It is not permissible to credit suppliers who have provided their products or services for a fee that does not add a creative role.
  • Credits should not be given in exchange for payment or reduced fees
  • Archive suppliers may be credited for their contribution but must be assessed on significance of contribution to the program.

Upfront Production Branding

With the exception of pre agreed co-productions, Red Bull Media House does not allow any upfront production company/production partner branding as standard. As standard, all company logos or slates should only appear at the end of the credits.

Opening Credits

As standard, Red bull does not allow opening credits.
The only exception being that of scripted content where the following applies:

  • They must not exceed 10 seconds.
  • They must be taken into account when commissioning music or graphic intended to accompany them.
  • Opening credits must be part of the graphics package and not impact the actual program.
  • Only key on screen talent, writers and senior editorial/production staff may be credited in opening sequence.
  • Opening credits should not be repeated in closing sequence with the exception of talent.

Opening Credits are not permitted on YouTube assets. If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.

End Credits

For mid form the final end credits should not exceed 25 seconds in duration

irrespective of the platform it will be put on. (linear or online):

20 seconds credit roll + 3 seconds end slate

In general only those who have made significant contribution directly to the program should be credited.

  • Therefore you should not include ‘heads of departments, creative heads, company directors etc.’
  • For Red Bull Media House contributions it should only include the
    • Executive Producer, Producer
    • Production Executive, Production Manager

To keep credits to a minimum Credits should be generic where possible

  • If multiple people have carried out allied production roles use ‘Production Team’ and list then below.
  • If multiple people have carried out work covered by a single credit then the names should be listed below the credit.

At the end of the credits prior to the end slate you can place your (Production Partner’s) logo followed by the Red Bull Media House copyright text: A Red Bull Media House Production ©


End Credits are not permitted on YouTube assets! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.


Which end slate to use? All end slate for mid form content are the 3 second end slates.

Standard end slate: Final end card with 'Media Bull with Red Bull'


YouTube does not require an endslate! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.

Endslate Download

Mock Up Timeline

Mock Up Timeline

End Credits: including Red Bull Media House Production ©

* example timeline

Long Form

Core Credit Principles for Long Form

Once the use of Credits have been pre-agreed they should abide by the following principles:

  • Credits must not impact the content of the program.
  • They must also be clearly separate from the program content, irrespective of the platform it will be put on.
  • Credits should accurately reflect significant creative contributions to the specific program.
  • It is not permissible to credit suppliers who have provided their products or services for a fee that does not add a creative role.
  • Credits should not be given in exchange for payment or reduced fees
  • Archive suppliers may be credited for their contribution but must be assessed on significance of contribution to the program.

Upfront Production Branding

With the exception of pre agreed co-productions, Red Bull Media House does not allow any upfront production company/production partner branding as standard. As standard, all company logos or slates should only appear at the end of the credits.

Opening Credits

If an exception is made for scripted content or feature length content, the following applies:

  • They must not exceed 10 seconds.
  • They must be taken into account when commissioning music or graphic intended to accompany them.
  • Opening credits must be part of the graphics package and not impact the actual program.
  • Only key on screen talent, writers and senior editorial/production staff may be credited in opening sequence.
  • Opening credits should not be repeated in closing sequence with the exception of talent.

Opening Credits are not permitted on YouTube assets. If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.

End Credits

irrespective of the platform it will be put on (linear or online):

25 seconds credit roll + 3 seconds end slate

In general only those who have made significant contribution directly to the program should be credited.

  • Therefore you should not include ‘heads of departments, creative heads, company directors etc.’
  • For Red Bull Media House contributions it should only include the
    • Executive Producer, Producer
    • Production Executive, Production Manager

To keep credits to a minimum Credits should be generic where possible

  • If multiple people have carried out allied production roles use ‘Production Team’ and list then below.
  • If multiple people have carried out work covered by a single credit then the names should be listed below the credit.

At the end of the credits prior to the end slate you can place your (Production Partner’s) logo followed by the Red Bull Media House copyright text: A Red Bull Media House Production ©


End Credits are not permitted on YouTube assets! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.


Which endslate to use? All end slates for long form are 3 seconds in duration.

Standard end slate: Final end card 'Media Bull with Red Bull'


YouTube does not require an endslate! If you want to find out more about Social Media, please check out the Social Guidelines.

Endslate Download

Mock Up Timeline

Mock Up Timeline

End Credits: including Red Bull Media House Production ©

* example timeline


The final platform where the program is placed does not impact how the program including the full end credits is delivered.

Upfront Credits

These are included as part of the program, therefore no additional deliverables required.

Opening Credits

  • Opening Credits are delivered as part of the program
  • Time Codes for In and Out points on credit sheet
  • Completed Credit sheet template delivered

End Credits

  • End Credits should be delivered as part of the respective graphics package including audio over the end credits
  • Time Codes for In and Out points on credit sheet
  • Completed Credit Sheet template delivered
  • Unless approved design differs, capital letters should be used for the first letter in name