Red Bull logo Production Partner Portal

Still Images Guidelines

Still Images are an important part of the process. On this page, you'll find everything you need to know when creating still images / artwork for a Red Bull Production.

Still Images Requirements Events

Action / Performance Images

Action / Performance Images

Landscape Action / Performance - YES

Talent is shown mid-action. Context of action and background convey what content is about.


Landscape Action / Performance - NO

Athlete is lost in surrounding environment; becomes unrecognisable.


Landscape Action / Performance - NO

Athlete is not clearly defined against background. Photo on right lacks showcase of action.


Landscape Action / Performance - NO

Extremely poor lighting makes it hard to easily distinguish what is taking place in these moments.


Portrait Action / Performance - YES

Talent is shown mid-action. Context of action and background conveys what content is about.


Portrait Action / Performance - NO

Quirky angles can confuse viewer, making it difficult to identify sport or athlete; a busy shot creates an uninteresting and distracting image.


Portrait Action / Performance - NO

Athletes are not clearly defined in their given state of action.


Portrait Action / Performance - NO

Brightly lit oversized logo becomes primary focus of image; minimal negative space around subjects make image less flexible to use in various applications.

Lifestyle Images

Lifestyle Images

Lifestyle - YES

Showcasing non-action aspects of a subject within an event environment help to tell an in-depth story.


Lifestyle - NO

Too much foreground or too much background make it hard for a subject to stand out clearly.


Lifestyle - NO

Excessive details and busy backgounds create an unclear visual. Subject is easily lost.


Lifestyle - NO

Athletes and context of photo are unclear and the content is not visually compelling.

Athlete / Participant Images

This grouping of images should contain photos taken in the following styles:

  • Athlete Full Body Shots: Photo of athletes/participants that include the entire body
  • Athlete Profile/Head Shots: Close up of athletes/participants (from bust upwards)
  • Athlete Lifestyle Shots: Photos that capture emotions or show a ‘behind the scenes’ moment
  • Athlete Action Shots: Athlete(s) is shown in a key action moment of their respective sport
  • Athlete Group Shots: Key athlete(s)/participant(s) shown in either a lifestyle or action manner

Athlete / Participant - YES

Athlete / Participant - NO

Event Images

This grouping of images should contain photos taken in the following styles:

  • Event Lifestyle Shots: Candid moment of athlete while participating at the event
  • Event Action Shots: Individual or group of athlete(s) shown in action of their respective sport
  • Event Emotion Shots: Climax moments (ex. winning moments; crowd erupting with cheer)
  • Event Location / Venue Shots: Scenic shots showing the landscape or location of the event
  • Event Prop Shots: Meaningful elements that can help describe the category of the event

Event - YES

Event - NO

Owned Channels

Artwork Requirements

Please deliver:

  • No less than 25 hi-res images.
  • Minimum 4200px(w) x 4000px(h); 300dpi; JPG; RGB color space.
  • Vector logo or title treatment graphic (.ai, .svg or .eps format preferred). PNG accepted. Deliver both full color + monochrome versions (pos or neg). Outlined text with properly linked elements, if applicable.
  • Layered files of poster artwork in any of the following formats: (.psd, .ai, .indd). All elements within the file should be properly linked, including fonts.
  • Font files (.otf or .ttf format) or any preference of font usage.
  • Any specific instructions regarding creation of artwork or photo preferences. Please note any specific details you would like us to know about ahead of production. ex. outdated sponsorship logos, athletes that aren’t to be shown etc.
  • Additional supporting marketing materials being used for promotion outside the platform which could assist in creating cohesive brand design

* Please avoid delivering photo assets in black & white.

Still Image Examples

Hi-resolution still images must be included upon final delivery of your content before it publishes live to our owned digital channels. These images should be clear, supportive depictions of the content and work best when a variety of images are in the mix. This provides the best opportunity to vividly showcase the context of the content, whether it be the main protagonist, action photos, or beautiful lifestyle shots.

* Minimum 4200px(w) x 4000px(h); 300dpi; JPG; RGB color space; NO black + white images


Action - YES

Clear focal point (subject) is surrounded by open space within the overall composition.

Capturing a high-action moment creates an engaging visual that is bound to entice our audiences and clearly capture the essence of the content.


Action - NO

  • Subject becomes lost in an overly detailed and similarly colored background.
  • Avoid overuse of dramatic camera angles.
  • Athlete is almost out of frame and positioned outside of the “safe zone” area
  • A busy setting makes it difficult for viewers to quickly understand what is going on in an image

Lifestyle - YES

  • Subjects are shown in an every day moment in their natural surroundings
  • Props & background give insight to content genre

Lifestyle - NO

Excessive detail and busy background create unclear visual and focal point.


Production / Behind the Scenes - YES

A clear depiction of the production process, capturing both the protagonist and crew.


Production / Behind the Scenes - NO

The filming equipment shouldn’t overpower the subject - the two elements should be balanced and non-competing.

Cast Image Examples

This grouping of images should contain photos taken in the following styles:

  • Cast Profile Shots: Main subject or cast shown in their respective environment
  • Cast Head Shots: Close up of cast members
  • Cast Lifestyle Shots: Photos that capture emotions or show a ‘behind the scenes’ moment
  • Cast Action Shots: Subjects are shown in action
  • Cast Group Shots: Subjects shown in either a lifestyle or action manner

Cast - YES

  • Profile Shot
  • Head Shot
  • Lifestyle Shot
  • Action Shot
  • Group Shot

Cast - NO

  • Full-body profile shot
  • Head Shot
  • Lifestyle Shot

Environment Image Examples

This grouping of images should contain photos taken in the following styles:

  • Location / Landscape: Scenic shots showing the landscape or location
  • Props: Meaningful elements and props that aid in conveying the content’s genre
  • Elements / Textures: Close-up and detailed images of relevant environments

Environmental - YES

  • Landscape / Location
  • Props
  • Elements

Environmental - NO

  • Landscape / Location
  • Props
  • Elements

Still Image Delivery

Photo delivery from a single production that covers the necessary still image categories, providing clear representation of content’s subject matter.

  • Full-body
  • Head Shot
  • Group
  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • Action 3
  • Lifestyle 1
  • Lifestyle 2
  • Lifestyle 3
  • BTS / Production
  • Landscape / Location
  • Elements

Cover artwork specifications

Cover artwork is the face of your content. This key visual should clearly represent the content, displaying engaging, high-quality artwork that can quickly capture the attention of our viewers. Please make sure to remove any sponsor logos and small sub-heading textual elements.

* All elements within the file should be properly linked, including fonts.

Hero image artwork specification

The hero is a photo that represents the asset, void of any textual elements. It is the asset’s primary image, displayed in cards and landing pages. In order to accommodate the platform’s use of overlaid text and graphic elements, images that feature a focal point within the right two thirds of the frame’s composition work best.

Title Treatment / Logo Specifications

Please provide a title treatment/logo for your content that is formatted to fit both the landscape and square specs listed below. All color variations available should be shared to ensure that each application of the artwork displays to the best of its abilities within a given space.

Photography Tips


  • Please be sure to set your camera date and time accurately to your local time.
  • ALWAYS SHOOT RAW — Set camera to maximum file size and double check you are not shooting in ‘Small RAW’.
  • Please deliver edited high-res JPGs, but be aware we might ask for RAW files once we have selected the images we will use.
  • If the image is not a dedicated crew shot, keep the crew out of the shot. In other words, separate crew from talent/host in your photos.
  • Always shoot portraits of host, cast, and guest (together and separately) in both vertical and horizontal layouts with as many frame options as you can. i.e. Place the subject in as many workable ‘thirds’ as possible. Primarily, put the subject in the RIGHT third of the frame because we will be specifically overlaying text in the LEFT two thirds of the frame. When in doubt, zoom out and we can crop in.
  • Shoot textures. i.e. walls, surrounding streets, nature, & objects around the location. These should be textures that relate to the feel of the show or the subject in some way.
  • Shoot venue and overview photos (without people) of the course, track, set, playing field, etc.
  • When editing/color correcting the photos, please match realistic color as best you can. Do not use any overlays/vignette’s, color filters, etc. Do not crop the image since we may need to do that based on the format it will be used.

You can always reference or any of our App devices for in-real-time examples. We welcome you to reach out directly to our team in the case that you have any questions at all - we’re happy to further explain and assist!

Technical Requirements


File Format

  • Shoot RAW and deliver JPEG
  • Compression 12 - (Best possible quality)

Image Resolution

  • Full size - (As large as possible)
  • Minimal dimensions of 4200 x 2800 px
  • 300ppi
  • Adobe RGB

File Naming

  • Name all files according to this standard: XY_YYMMDD_PRODUCTION_0001.jpg
  • XY: Your initials
  • YYMMDD: Exposure date
  • PRODUCTION short production name: e.g.: We_are_all_Stories_EP1
  • ####: 4-digit seq. number
  • ATTENTION: No Special characters like @/©/ß/ö/ñ/á


Photo meta-data can be directly written into the IPTC meta-data of the delivered jpeg files.


For films and shows, provide the images in one .zip file per photographer with the following naming:

  • SI_Production_PhotographerFirstandLastName
  • Example: SI_CerroTorre_CoreyRich
  • For serialized content, split into sub-folders by episodes

Photographers can be briefed to directly upload into Media Base by the Still Images Content Management team to realize fastest possible image availability.

Please align briefing and delivery with the Still Images Content Management team:

Photo Asset Check-List

Overview Photos
Key Person(s) Photos
Context Photos
Environment Photos