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Additional Footage Guidelines

The best footage from the production or useful footage that did not make the final cut should also be delivered as Selects to Red Bull Media House.

Footage Content Terminology

Footage products contain raw (ungraded) footage, have hard cuts and have only international sound.

Rough Cut

For Archiving Purposes

Assembly of the raw footage excluding shots which cannot or will not be used because:

  • Shots are technically not useable
  • Shots are not relevant in present or future
  • Shots are redone for several times

For Screening Purposes

First stage in which the film begins to resemble its final product with a recognizable story line. Rough cuts do not flow well and still undergo many changes before the release of a film.


Selects are chosen out of the raw footage or rough cut.

Selects are supposed to

  • be created for archiving purposes. Defined categories and naming conventions will be provided (e.g. aerial, slow motion, helicopter footage, POV camera,...).
  • provide images to fulfill a broadcasting special request that is not covered by the News Cut

The duration depends on the requested issue, might vary from a few to several minutes.