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On this page, you will find various templates for Pre-Production deliverables.

Scheduling & Budget

We offer a combined schedule budget template if you need, in order to submit your line by line cost breakdown. It's your responsibility to ensure all formulas are working.

If you already have your own version you'd prefer to use, that's OK! Once complete, please email to your Red Bull Media House Production Manager contact.

Third Party Pack

By signing our Production Service Agreement you transfer any and all rights to Red Bull/Red Bull Media House. This means you need to clear all rights for the Production, including but not limited to, rights for the location, participants, talents, third party footage, etc.

To facilitate acquiring these rights from the different rights holders we provide you with a so called Third Party Blank Template Package.

Please acknowledge that these templates are only being provided to you as a courtesy and they should not be interpreted as legal advice. These templates do not modify, limit or change the obligations you have to Red Bull/RBMH under the Production Service Agreement signed.