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Insurance Guidelines

All productions commissioned by Red Bull Media House are covered under the Red Bull Production Insurance Policy. This is free of charge.


The Philosophy of Red Bull Media House is special. We are providing a production insurance package including the general liability risk for all Red Bull Media House Productions (moving images or photography) and all our production partners – the production company, the producer, the photographers and the broadcaster.

Insurance for individuals, such as personal accident, worker's compensation, travel or life are always separate from the package and require extra insurance coverage. Consequently our production partners only have to maintain all usual, customary and compulsory insurance, including workers’ compensation, employers’ liability as required by law.

The Red Bull production insurance package provides protection for typical risks during production. Basic packages are very similar, whether filming in Los Angeles, London or Vienna and have one major aspect in common: they protect the interests of the production company, the producer and the broadcaster.

Coverage of injury, illness or death refers to loss due to the interruption of production. This does not refer to loss or damage incurred by a person directly.

There is no personal accident cover included by default.

Media Production Package

Cast / Crew

(up to 25 persons): Requires additional proposal / questionnaire provided by Insurance broker

Description of coverage:

  • Cast insurance is an important part of the package and is usually declared on feature films and TV productions - even documentaries may carry cast insurance; e.g. the director, DoP, cast, host, presenter or any others on whose
    performance the project depends can be insured.
  • Cast insurance indemnifies financial consequences that the production company suffers following interruption, postponement or abandonment of the production in the sole event of accident, injury, illness or death; specifically of actresses, actors, animals or other declared characters who are prevented from rendering full services.

Pre-Production: Coverage usually begins four weeks prior to the first shooting day, though an extension to this can be made.

Sums insured EUR 10.000.000 I deductible EUR 250

Film / Negative Material

Any kind of data processing medium - e.g. picture, sound or other, including post-production

Sums insured EUR 10.000.000 I deductible EUR 250

Additional Expenses

(expenses incurred by the failure of production equipment, props, sets & wardrobe, or loss of scenery sets following property damage)
The insurer indemnifies the insured or co-insured for interruption losses caused by temporary and/or permanent failure or damage to necessary objects for the production if such causes were not caused by the insured or co-insured.

This includes the following:

  • studios and/or other buildings including interior and exterior constructions
  • recording equipment (light, sound, camera)
  • props, sets and wardrobe required for the production

Sums insured EUR 10.000.000 I deductible EUR 250

Petty Cash

Cash and/or checks used by the production team on location - including transportation to and from shooting locations.
The following conditions apply:

  • Up to EUR 15.000 cash and/or checks must be kept in a locked room or
    a locked container secured against removal.
  • In excess of EUR 15.000 cash and/or checks must be locked in a hotel
    safe against receipt and/or locked in a steel cabinet with a minimum
    weight of 300 kg.

Sums insured EUR 100.000 I deductible EUR 250

Props, Sets & Wardrobe

This coverage includes scenery sets & physical damage of vehicles (land-, air-, water) used for the production.

Sums insured EUR 1.500.000 I deductible EUR 250


(camera, light, grip and sound equipment, stages, generators rigging etc.)

Equipment owned or hired / rented by Red Bull Media House or the productionmcompany is automatically insured. This also includes privately owned equipment.

Sums insured EUR 2.500.000 I deductible EUR 250


(Third party liability, General liability, Public Liability)

Sums insured EUR 10.000.000 I deductible EUR 250

Uninsured Risks

The following risks are not insured through media production insurance package specified before.
1. Non-Owned & Hired Auto Liability
2. Workers Compensation / Employers Liability
3. Travel Accident
4. Accidental Death & Dismemberment
5. Aircraft Liability
6. E&O

Briefing insurance Claims

In case of incidents of damage, loss and injury details must be sent to
1. Production title
2. Nature of damage, loss or injury
3. Date damage, loss or injury occurred
4. Description of the incident and damages
5. Estimated total compensation required
6. Contact name I Head of Production I Production Manager


Howden Caninenberg Insurance Broker (Germany)

Emanuel Lutz | Contracts (Declarations)

T: +49 (89) 63005-350
M: +49 (163) 8477260


Ilona Bagerzade | Claims

T: +49 (89) 63005-510

Insurance Package

It may not cover all your needs, for example it excludes E&O, Hired Auto Liability, Workers Comp and more. For this you must contact Howden Caninenberg.

Step by Step Guide


Step 1: Introduction

  • Please ensure your Red Bull Media House Production Manager introduces you to Howden Caninenberg.
  • This ensures Howden Caninenberg receives authority from Red Bull that you’ve been commissioned on contract.

Step 2: Submit Production Details

  • Read attached Insurance Guidelines.
  • Provide the following details of your production to Howden Caninenberg
  • Type of shoot
  • Schedule I Date
  • Budget
  • Location/s
  • Travel details – only if a cover of this risk is necessary!

Step 3: Crew & Cast Cover

  • Complete the Questionnaire for Cast and Crew Insurance. Howden Caninenberg will supply you with the form to complete and return.

Step 4: Cover for Red Bull Athletes

  • If you’re working with Red Bull Athletes, they must also be named of the cast cover and declared to Howden Caninenberg.
  • Add personal accident cover where applicable.

Step 5: Travel/Accident Cover

  • If it would be necessary to insure your crew while travelling, please inform Emanuel as well. This risk isn’t insured automatically.
  • Travel information (crew size, activities, and so on)

Step 6: Confirmation

  • Once you’ve received confirmation of cover from Howden Caninenberg, note all the emergency contact numbers & you’re ready to commence!

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment is the cornerstone of the health and safety management, providing a structured way of looking at the hazards that occur during a production. Red Bull must ensure that our Production Partners have the knowledge, skills and experience to do the work safely, that all factors such as realistic timelines, adequate allocation of resources and specialist safety expertise has been considered.

If you don't have your own Risk assessment template, please reach out to your respective Red Bull Production Manager to request it.

Please make sure your provide the risk assessment to your Red Bull Production Manager before you start shooting!