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Post Production Services

To be able to import, mix and deliver your project in the smoothest and most efficient way possible, it is essential that you provide the Red Bull Media House Audio Department with correctly exported source material. Using the specs and norms outlined on this page will ensure an optimal workflow (screenshots are from Adobe Premiere, but all major video editing software should have similar options).


To be able to import, mix and deliver your project in the smoothest and most efficient way possible, it is essential that you provide the RBMH Audio Department with correctly exported source material. Please stick to the following specs and norms for an optimal workflow (screenshots are from Adobe Premiere, but all major video editing software should have similar options).

Picture Files

Please provide 2 copies of your film, as High Quality and Low Quality, in the following formats. (Note: LQ screener needed if remote recording with a third party studio (f.e. VO) is part of the project)

High Quality

.mov container, Apple ProRes 422 Proxy codec, 1920 x 1080p, project native framerate. Audio uncompressed 24bit/48k stereo mix from your video editing software.

Low Quality

MP4 container, H.264 codec, data rate at max 1.5 Mbps, 1280 x 720, AAC compressed audio.

For both quality files

  • If your production includes a provisional layout / guide / dummy voice over track, please do not include this in the video file’s stereo mix. Please mute the guide track in your timeline and deliver a “Mix Minus/IT” track (Fullmix without the guide track) with your video file.
  • Please hard encode (or “burn in”) timecode onto your film exports
  • Please add the suffix AudioPost_Screener_25p_HQ/LQ to your files, amending the frame rate and quality indication as appropriate.

Audio Files

Please export an AAF file of the audio from your video editing software, using the following settings:

  • Format: Broadcast WAV
  • 24 bit depth / 48k sample rate
  • Handle length of 250 frames
  • Mono tracks
  • AAF Frame rate must match the frame rate of your project
  • Embedded audio. This may fail if your production is too large (generally AAF file size over 4 GB), in which case please use unembedded.


Our recommendation is to use FAST, a service that delivers the data straight to our production server:

You will need to sign up to the service for free before you can continue. (Check out our tutorial for FAST here)

Please select Red Bull Media House / Wals, Salzburg

If you prefer you can also use your own server to deliver the data to us. Please let us know the login and password at least 5 days prior to the first audio shift, so we can download the media and prepare the project in time.

Best Practice for Audio Handling within your Editing Software

  • Make sure VO (voice over), OT (nat /on-set sound), Music, Effects and Graphic Elements are all clearly and neatly placed on separate tracks. Please do not place more than one of the above sound categories within the same track.
  • If dialogue / interviews were recorded with multiple mics (f.e. lav + boom), please send all tracks to us in the AAF.
  • Please label / name each track according to its content (VO, OT, Music, Effects, etc.)
  • Make sure no muted files will appear in the AAF. If they should not be heard, they should not be there, so please delete unwanted regions prior to AAF creation.
  • Make sure there is no audio in the AAF that is not part of the production - no stray regions to either side of the film timeline.
  • Please use fades in your editing software, rather than volume or key frame automation to create fades, this makes it much easier for us to see your intended volume fade.
  • Make sure your music edits are musical and as beat-accurate as possible.
  • Make sure there is no mixed sample rate audio in your timeline, especially when having worked with Youtube rips or 44.1 CD music – all audio must be 48k.
  • Please un-nest any nested audio tracks, otherwise they will export as a single track mixdown.
  • Try to level the audio elements of your production to be close to R128 loudness norm.
  • If providing 5.1 or 7.1 discreet stem channels for mixing, please make sure each is labelled correctly i.e. L, C, R, LFE, LS etc.
  • If you have any wild recordings / additional audio assets that could be helpful but didn’t make it into the editing sequence, please send it to us as well, if possible with a sound report of your production sound mixer.
  • Please write to us with timecode indications as to where you want us to add specific effects such as reverbs or delays, or point us to the corresponding sections in the mix under your film for us to re-create. You can use this document: RBMH Spotting List.

Many thanks for helping us to provide you with great sounding mixes in the most efficient manner, thereby helping all meet their production deadlines!

Your Red Bull Media House Audio Post Production Team